Thursday, July 5, 2007

Work fascinates me... I could watch it all day....

I have some imediate mistakes to correct, there are not two 911 turbo boys, there is only one. His name is Mark. The other boy's name, who I grouped in, is Daniel. He was not clear to me on what his geocaching handle is, but I assure you, he is no n00b.
So today we woke up at the ungodly hour of 6:00 am to get some breakfast down our throats. When we finished cleaning our paper plates we programed all our coordinates that we took last night for our training caches into our several Etrex units.
We started at the area nearest the beach, which was Daniel's. The reception must have been incredibly off yesterday, and when we got to the cache the GPS said we were about 80 metres away. We had many problems gaining satelites for the first areas caches, even when we went down to open areas like the beach and nearby field.
The next area was mine, it was around the Haida lodge and the OOS feeding trough. Reception was pretty bang on by this time and the lot of us (Mark, Daniel, SFish, 2-poco Sr., Ryan, and another cacher who came to help: Quigly Jones) found my caches without to many problems.
The last area that we have populated with our lovely caches would be Mark's, which is the path that leads up to the subcamps. I kinda felt sorry for Mark when this area was dumped into his hands. Although it's right by our station HQ (which so far is just a table and a laptop since our tent is "behind schedule"), the paths his caches must reside on are right beside where ALL the scouts will be camping. This path will probebly see about two thousand kids run up and down it a day once the programs begin. Thats right, this will be the land of the Smuggles (scout muggles)! Thats like ten times as bad as your regular muggle! Luckily he equiped himself with some real good urban caches (fake rat, plastic ivy laiden L&L, and a nicely painted regular L&L).
When we were done we decided to further scout out the area that may end up our fourth. There was a little bushwacking figuring out our entrance route, but we found a way onto the trail using the evacuation trail. Which prompted the joke "Yes the forest is in a blazing inferno, but wait up guys there's a two star dificulty about twenty metres from here!" It looked decent enough, although we're STILL waiting for the OK from the higher ups.
After that we headed off to some coldcuts waiting for us at the Haida lodge.
When lunch was through with, the OOS in our group under the age of... over the hill... went to hide challenge caches. These challenge caches are extra caches that we hide for those who seem really intrested in the sport after our program. We will hook the people who want a real challange up with one of our many garmen Etrexs, and they can go hunting for the ultimate loot. "Whats the ultimate loot?"
"Uber limited edition PJ07 GEOCOINS of coarse!"
While we were out there we also decided to take extra coordinate readings of our previous caches to get a good average. (Don't want people 80 metres away while they're kicking the log with their foot!) This took us several hours, including goofing off time... Speaking of goofing off, we're to to sure what the senior members of our team got accomplished while we took this epic task under our wing...
Then dinner time crawled on up and we were faced with a tasty looking meal of salmon steaks. Some of our team got special treatment from our man in the kitchen, Bradley.
Mark, Daniel and I, had to finish rather quickly because we had a FOCUS program right after (meaning half way through in OOS standards) our meal! In focus we descussed basic golden rules for leading groups of scouts, and their leaders. It was mostly common sense, and at time sounded like a preachy self-help group for pedophiles, but im sure it refreshed our minds in time for our big deadline. Sunday... thats two days and two hours away...
The coarse ran an hour and a half, but when we were let out we had to wait an extra half an hour for security to deal with a rouge bear blocking the path to HQ. When we got through with that interesting situation, the workday was pretty much over. So Mark, Daniel and myself entertained ourselfs with YouTube, South Park and PurePwnage until it dusk came and I knew I had to get this done before the bear found me in the dark. A real camp experience eh?


Cody said...

Have no fear....Cody is allmost there!!

Cody said...

Have no fear....Cody is allmost there!!